Sewing Repairs at the Library


For three years WNC Repair Cafe has been hosted by our friends at Living Web Farms where our repair events typically cover a very broad range of all types of household repairs. Given the farm setting, our prior events naturally tended towards more farm and garden type jobs - think long-handled tool replacements, small engine tune-up, sharpening - those kind of rough jobs well-suited for calloused hands. Our workshop space was not particularly well-suited for the delicate work of sewing jobs, so it's no surprise that sewing jobs were few and far between. That's a big part of why we're so excited to be offering a special event that focuses exclusively on sewing jobs.


WNC Repair Cafe is teaming up with the West Asheville Public Library on the evening of September 20  to offer free sewing repairs.  The public is invited to bring in their worn out and damaged fabric items and work together with volunteers who specialize in all things fabric - from stitching, to mending, attaching buttons, fixing zippers and more. 

Thinking about attending?  You are encouraged to bring in clothing, but also consider other fabric repairs - worn-out favorite purse, stuffed animal, torn backpack strap, old work gloves, etc.  Have questions about your unique repair? Send us an email before arriving. 

We'll also be collecting winter clothes for donation via AMCHC community clothing drive. I've been told that larger sizes are especially helpful.